Friday, July 10, 2020

Firm Linked to Pelosi's husband got PPP Loan

Pelosi Caught Red-Handed Taking Profits from Paycheck Protection Program

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just got caught red-handed.

"One of the companies that is connected to her super-rich husband received a loan from the Trump administration's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

You know, of course, that this program was created to help small businesses survive through the coronavirus stay at home orders during the height of the pandemic.

Read about it...


  1. Have to say I despise that woman.

  2. she needed to buy more ice cream

  3. She is a huge hypocrite. Catholic? yet supports abortion. Baby killer supporter! She is controlled by all these looters and blm and antifa criminals. She is no better than any of them who rip down our statues without the right to do so. Nancy wants crime, maybe it will all come back to haunt her!
