Friday, July 17, 2020

Democrats Condemn Trump's Clemencies

If Trump's 36 Clemencies Are an Abuse of Power, What Were Obama's 1,927?

Democrats, answer that!

Democrats were fuming last week when the President gave clemency to Roger Stone. Trump was immediately accused of abusing his powers as president to issue clemency to a personal acquaintance facing a stiff prison sentence. But Democrats bitch, moan and groan about everything.

"Stone was convicted of lying about a crime which never occurred, and of telling that lie to individuals with badges and alleged political motives." [Western Journal]


  1. Roger Stone need to get clemency.

  2. The jury fore person lied re her animosity towards Roger Stone well documented in her internet postings.

    Prosecute her for her lying statements. And the judge refused to grant Roger Stone a new trial.

    Equal justice???
