Thursday, July 16, 2020

Crime in Lake Worth (Beach)

Sheriff’s Office, Lake Worth Beach

Theft: A couple in a black vehicle pulled up in front of a house in the 600 block of South Palmway. The female got out of the vehicle, walked up to the front door and stole a doormat and potted plant. Surveillance video capturing the theft was provided to law enforcement. The victim believes the incident was related to the address being posted in social media.

Criminal mischief: Someone shot a BB gun at the front door of a business in the 1200 block of North Dixie Highway. The damage to the glass was estimated at $2,000.

Theft: Investigators are looking for a man who stole a bike, but took the city bus during his getaway in Lake Worth Beach. [PBPost]


  1. When we lived in the City of Lake Worth we were victims of so much crime there:
    -broke into and stole a lot of stuff from our home
    -stoled trellis
    -threw an old bike in my backyard
    -broke my outdoor faucet and cut my hose on my porch
    -broke our car window on the street
    -broke a front window on our house
    -sideswiped my spouses car parked in front of the house
    -painted graffiti
    -stoled my Mother Mary statue
    -stoled plants in my front yard and backyard
    -illegal immigrants passed out drunk in my front yard

    and a lot more if I think about it.

    I used those fake cameras all around my house at the time and it helped some, Lake Worth is a haven for crime. When we lived there, there used to be a lot of Guat bashing of illegal immigrants by my house, every other day some Guat was beat up, attached, and robbed. Now it is happening a lot in LA they say.

    Lake Worth is a quaint town, but it has a lot of crime, too many delinquents, and very low education levels of most. It is not safe. Too much blight, crime, and no substantial code enforcement, anything goes, so this is no surprise. It is too bad. I am sure Lake Worth was very nice back in the 40's 50's 60's, too bad it got so filled with crime and bad leaders.

  2. We owned two houses in Lake Worth and gave it 20 years of our life, it never got better, too much crime, bad leaders, and poor conditions, drive a few blocks north, south, west of downtown and there is so much blight and crime, it is all renters, nobody cares here or takes pride in their property. Very dumpy city.
