Sunday, July 5, 2020

Biden, a Man full of Lies and Misinformation

Biden’s Interview Just Got Gutted Like A Fish By A REAL Fact Checker

FactChecking Biden’s ‘Breakfast Club’ Interview--

"In a May 22 radio interview, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden made a number of false, misleading or exaggerated claims."

Click here to read about them.


  1. The sad thing about Biden, if he had held an event yesterday it would have been on all the news and carried live by NBC, CNN, and all the rest of his alliances.

    Yet, President Trump spoke and had a wonderful event last night and it was only put on Fox News, not one of the other other networks showed it live. If it were Biden they would.

    So sad. They can bring you live coverage of funerals of people who run from police or who are criminals, yet they cannot even bring live coverage on the news or tv from our President of our country now on a 4th of July Independence Day event.

    How sad! Biden is a hypocrite. He is supposed to be a Catholic and not approve of abortion or the death penalty and he supports a abortion. I would never vote for him, he is a fraud and does not have a mind of his mind.

    I am voting for President Trump come November!

  2. Check OAN for Biden's corruption in Ukraine.
    Chanel Rion investigates and shows the evidence.

  3. The President might as well have had on the history of the Battle of Waterloo, for all that history means to people today, 75 years later.

    The people who remember WWII, are probably voting for him. For the constituency he needs, he has to be more relevant.

  4. He’s 100% relevant but not to punk Democrats who want to sell our country down the river. What in hell is wrong with you?
