Saturday, June 6, 2020

Violence Planned for our Nation's Capitol

Cache of Weapons Found Hidden Along Street Near White House

US Park Police chief says USPP & Secret Service found “baseball bats & metal poles hidden along the street” near the White House. 2 crates filled with pipe bombs discovered near Korean War Memorial in DC after suspects spotted in bushes. Federal assets in pursuit

And the crazy mayor of Washington DC says they don't need a working police force that doesn't report to her



  1. More fake news originating from the Gateway Pundit.

    "U.S. Park Police spokesman Sgt. Eduardo Delgado told The Daily Beast in an email that the Park Police never discovered any pipe bombs near the memorial. Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department also had no reports of pipe bombs at the memorial, a spokesperson said Tuesday."


    The people whining the loudest about Fake News are the ones most responsible for spreading it.

  2. You are citing the Daily Beast that is known to have a "left" bias - Liberal - Democrat - Progressive opinion.
