Sunday, June 21, 2020

Trump Rally


  1. As one person said, "It’s a disappointing turnout for a major presidential rally.

    But it’s a massive crowd for folks willing to endanger their lives inside, without masks in the middle of a pandemic.

    All depends on your perspective."

    And immediately before the rally, 6 staff members tested for covid-19. Of course, the media jumped on that and let the world know. Democrats are gleeful today. No final numbers have been reported.

  2. what ever the numbers are the dems are going to say it aint so.

  3. Don't believe the fake news.

    Wondering why the rally venue wasn’t full? This is from someone who was there:

    Ok quick update!! There were many thousands outside. Antifa showed up about 30 minutes before rally start and the screeners disappeared! Screeners were the people who had to take you temperature and approve you to enter, hence no screener, no entry. The National guard stepped in and locked the place down, nobody else was allowed inside. Somewhere around 14-15 thousand made it inside and it is safe to say that the remaining 4-5 thousand were not able to enter. Lol the MSM had armed security with them at all times...

    The crowds were massive. There's noway of getting an exact count but saying 100k plus is not a stretch. The number of Bikers for Trump were astronomical....

  4. Only 15K got in. Antifa and BLM blocked entrance and trouble broke out. They had to shut the doors and get the rally started due to the late hour.
    Kim Skelton

  5. The coronavirus has less that a 1% death rate. No one was wearing a mask and no one was risking their life.


  6. @7:57...that's why the Democrats tried to sue to STOP the rally from happening...coronavirus. Phony bastards.
    The campaign took everyone's temperature...provided masks and sanitizer to appease all the phony liberals on this virus.
    Read 7:39 above.

  7. I'm still looking forward to hearing MAGA groups see an Antifa group and send them running, crying and screaming :-) Progressives/leftists tend to be pathetic wimps and not well suited to violence against able-bodied people that will happily fight back and hurt the leftists ( and enjoy hurting the attacking leftists).

  8. Liz Sanders 🇺🇸 From Rally Ticket Holder:
    My family and I could not get into the Rally. Mass chaos 45 minutes before start of Rally due to Antifa. They blocked entrances where the metal detectors were and where screeners were taking temperatures!
    The National Guard closed entrances and screeners left! Thousands of angry Trump supporters could not get into the Rally and left due to Antifa involvement.

  9. There was a huge crowd there, don't let the fake news and the lying liberals tell you any different.
    Mark Toberts

  10. @9:30---no threats. Your numbers are off too. You should read my Facebook page and get enlightened as to what took place in Tulsa from people who were there.

  11. I don't know who your source is, Lynn, but mine is the Tulsa Fire Department.

    "Andrew Little, the Public Information Officer for the Tulsa Fire Department, confirmed to Forbes on Sunday that a tally taken by the fire marshal clocked the turnout at just under 6,200 people, far fewer attendees than the campaign expected."

  12. My source? People who were there.
    Your source? Probably CNN or Salon

  13. tried to post again--YES I am biased...thought you knew that. This is a conservative page. So, get lost and stop whining your liberal points. Lies are not allowed here. :) Write your own page. All of us get enough of liberal BS all day long.

  14. 11.35 why are we to believe your source.anyone can say they know you jerks are trying to get the fire depts. involved.if you know so many sources then ten aftifa to stay home
