Monday, June 1, 2020

Trump addresses the nation on escalating protests, death of George Floyd

1 comment:

  1. This is not really a Trump issue. There may well be two separate types of people living in America.... There are the MAGA people, that believe in peaceful and polite protest and assembly but DO NOT BELIEVE in allowing large groups to loot and vandalize and to burn buildings.....this group believe the proper response to this bad behavior is the defense of your home of business, with guns if necessary....Defense against criminal behavior that represents a direct threat to the lives of the people in the buildings being threatened.......And then there is a 2nd progressive or Leftist Group that believes that it is their right to loot and pillage and burn buildings and attack home or small business owners, because they see this as the path to the RE-SHAPING OF AMERICA that they are actively pursuing....And there is a 3rd group that believes that this is an opportunity for personal wealth by stealing from shops they break into, or from invading homes and stealing from them....and a 4th group that just wants everyone to be living in harmony together, and is not capable of processing that something close to a Civil War is upon us, and that you pretty much need to be on one side or the other.
