Monday, June 29, 2020

Terrorist BLM Invades Target Store in Washington DC

WATCH: Black Lives Matter Mob Invades Target, Threatens to Shut Down Store

Black Lives Matter, a self-described Marxist organization, terrorized shoppers at a Target store in our nation's capitol, Washington, D.C., which as we all know, is a totally f'd up place with a liberal mayor who is allowing BLM to cause havoc. She has even painted the streets with Black Lives Matter all over them in bright yellow paint.

Read about the Marxist mob

And even though Target has addressed the charge of racism in the country since George Floyd's death, they still are getting attacked by thugs.

Target committed $10 Million and ongoing resources for rebuilding efforts and advancing Social Justice.


  1. It's not about George Floyd and everyone knows it.

  2. Maybe Target should have invested the 10 million on armed security. This is what life will be like after the police are defunded. Welcome to the Democrat plan for our country.Sorry,THEIR country.Enjoy the re education camps if you ever voted Republican or Independent in your life.

  3. Imagine what Lenin could have done with Social Media!

  4. Target should withdraw the kowtowing, and I agree with above, it's Democrats manipulating dummies.

  5. It almost seems like it is the dems shutting down all the beaches in South Florida for the 4th of July too, they want all to be so mad that we all protest. They want violence and destruction by all, this is the dems strategy, how sad. If you are a law abiding good citizen, you will not fall to the sins of the dems and BLM and antifia. They want us to protest that is why they shut the beaches down here, remember dems are in control of this area of Florida.
