Monday, June 1, 2020

Rush Limbaugh on the Riots

Black Lives Matter is furious at Rush Limbaugh after what he revealed about the riots

Minneapolis, Minnesota is in flames. And it is no surprise that Black Lives Matter is fanning them. But now they are furious at Rush Limbaugh after what he revealed about their riots.

Most of America, including President Donald Trump, agrees that the death of George Floyd appears to be nothing more than murder.

But they also agree that the officer who was arrested deserves due process.

Find out what Rush said...

1 comment:

  1. What would MLKD? We used to say what would Jesus do WWJD? In this case what would Dr. Martin Luther King Jr do? He would not at all accept all this violence, looting, and destruction of our nation. Many people many blacks, and others should be ashamed of themselves for turning something which should have been peaceful into all this violence, looting, and destruction of our property. It makes most black people involved look very bad, to use the soul of George Floyd, to steal, loot, destroy, and be so violent and, this is not honoring him or Jesus or MLK. It is sinful. This morning on the local news they showed a T-Mobile Store on 441 here in our county being broken into and looted, the film showed all black people coming into this store and stealing all. This does not look good for black people. Do you think MLK would approve? MLK would not approve of the violence and theft by Black Lives Matter or Antifa people. This says a lot about their character. Hypocrites, be more like MLK and Jesus. Please pray for an end to all this protest and violence and looting, the destruction is sad and depressing.
