Sunday, June 28, 2020

Remove Statutes of White Jesus' says punks

Pictured is a vandalized Jesus statue at Serenity Memorial Park in Peoria’s, Illinois which occurred in 2019. Shaun King would like to see similar statues taken down.

Christian figures, symbols targeted amid ongoing protests

Christian figures and symbols -- including Jesus Christ himself -- have become the target of hate and vandalism as protests continue across the nation and it's just not anarchists. Democrats have trashed Christianity for years. Here in Lake Worth, we even have an Atheist commissioner who refuses to ever say a prayer or bow his head during an invocation.

“They’re looking at Jesus Christ, they’re looking at George Washington, they’re looking at Abraham Lincoln, they’re looking at Thomas Jefferson,” Trump said during a news conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda in the White House’s Rose Garden. “It’s not going to happen.”

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