Thursday, June 18, 2020

Omari Hardy blames Ron DeSantis for increase in Covid cases

Omari Hardy says local farmworkers aren’t to blame for uptick in cases

It has been reported that Lake Worth (Beach) is a "hotspot" for Coronavirus cases. All Democrats politically believe that Governor Ron DeSantis is opening up our state prematurely. Omari Hardy sure says so and is blaming our governor for the increase in Covid-19 cases! Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact Florida is testing more.

Even though the Palm Beach County Health Director has stated that farmworkers are causing the uptick, Hardy knows better. Lake Worth has a large populous of immigrants and illegals who are working and traveling together and are not wearing masks.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has changed its advice on face masks, saying they should be worn in public where social distancing is not possible to help stop the spread of Coronavirus. Omari says the migrants are painted as unsophisticated and he finds that "condescending."

Read about it...

Omari was launched into the spotlight for his disgusting attack against Lake Worth mayor Pam Triolo A video went viral and he became a Left darling and an overnight sensation.  This is his signature campaign platform that he believes will catapult him into office as a Florida State Rep...attack all Republicans with ridiculous charges and not to drop the ball on Coronavirus.


  1. really getting tired of this hardy thug blaming everybody for anything.i never thought there was any racism in lake worth.its name is Omari.he is the one driving the wedge

  2. Democrats should refrain from voting for Jacquet or Hardy

  3. Stop all the distractions and get to work on the real issues in our community like the pool, the vacant downtown stores, the Gulfstream, code enforcement, boarded up properties, trimming trees ahead of storm season, fixing our utility so we stop the power surges. Why do we keep wasting taxpayer money on unnecessary reports and consultants? Commissioners - do your jobs and stop with the pandering and activist mentality.

  4. Another carpet-bagger making a name for himself while renting in our city. It is getting pretty bad when we can't even get someone who has a vested interest in our town and not use us as his stepping-stone for higher office.

    Now he is doing his best to paint Lake Worth as a racist town. Nobody is "blaming" the spike of covid on the immigrant population. Lake Worth's first "spike" was due to one nursing home which accounted for more than half of our positive cases at the time. Now that testing is more convenient to the people of our community who don't drive, it seems logical the positive rate will go up along with the percentage due to the close living quarters and multi-generational co-habitation.

    Is Jacquet any better?

  5. @12:56..Jacquet is not better. The best thing is, it is the Democrat primary for these two along with 3 other Democrats, I think. I don't vote in it...thank God. There is no choice there. Vote for Republican Danielle Madsen

  6. You have a good point 10:41. Activist issues are one sure way to divide the population. On the face of it, it seems important, but it doesn't add a dollar to your pay or put a slice of bread on the table.

    Marco Rubio, for instance, is working on NIL for the NCAA, when people can't get their Passports renewed. Nobody is even playing ball and he's worried about college athletes getting paid. Let's worry about people getting back to work.

    Omari thinks it's appropriate to blame our Governor for an uptick in Corona Virus cases. I say: who cares about the Corona Virus? I'm tired of it already.

    Hiding in your house is not going to protect you from the Virus. It's waiting for you outside. Until immunity is built up to 64%, the virus is going to be an issue. Why are we prolonging the inevitable conclusion.

    Leave already, Omari. I thought you were going on to bigger and better things.
