Friday, June 26, 2020

Michigan Governor doesn't want a Trump Rally

Gov. Whitmer Doesn’t Want Trump Rallies in Michigan

Democrats’ fear of the president directly speaking with his supporters is common knowledge at this point. You see, whether the left admits it or not, they know that Joe Biden doesn’t have a snowball’s chance of beating Trump; yet, they’re still holding onto their false sense of hope. [ConservativeBrief]

Read about the Gretch


  1. I saw this woman tell TRUMP not to come to mich and wondered how dumb dems are.for a state so far in debt and to thro all the money these things bring down the drain is a crime,maybe mich residents will think of this as their taxes go up

  2. Too fucing bad! This woman has NO SAY on this issue!
    She is a Gov. not a God.

  3. Sorry to say this but I don’t think Mr Trump wants s second term at this point in history he’s not acting like it letting idiots run wild canceling history. We’ll go into a depression with Biden then elect a conservative President in 2024 it’s the best we can do.

  4. @10:02 It is states rights. He is leaving it up to state governors. He has volunteered the help of the federal government. They have turned him down. This is ALL on the backs of the Democrats. PERIOD.

  5. That’s why the polls show Trump trailing in a race with an unscrupulous idiot. Because of the way he acts. Because of the way he talks. Because of the way he treats people who deserve respect, like Rex Tillerson and Jeff Sessions and James Mattis, so that they come back and bite him. We love him when he punches the press and the Democrats. They’re lowlifes. They deserve it. But he never turns it off, which makes you feel it’s not about fighting for us. It’s just personal. It’s just the way he is.

  6. @11:42. Trump was elected to Drain the Swamp. That's exactly what he has been doing.
    Trump decided to remove U.S. troops from Syria and reduce U.S. deployment in Afghanistan. Mattis got pissed at that. Military love wars. Trump disagreed with Tillerson on way too many occasions and hired someone he liked better--Mike Pompeo. Jess Sessions, well everyone knows why he was history...he had no guts and caused a 2/5 year farce of an investigation.
    So, if you work for the President, you need to show loyalty or get the hell out. They did not deserve respect.
    The polls are fake. And the only idiot is Biden and of course, you, for calling our President that. Take a freaking hike.

  7. How much cash does Biden and his family need to use his political position to shakedown other countries illegally in order for American citizens to recognize his corruption?
