Saturday, June 6, 2020

Mayor of Minneapolis wants Trump to bail him out

Minneapolis Mayor Asks Trump For Aid After Riots Cause At Least $55 Million In Damage

'The Minneapolis mayor is asking for federal help cleaning up and rebuilding his city after rioters caused at least $55 million plus worth of damage through looting, burning, and defacing public and private property."

President Trump called him "weak" and he responded, "Donald Trump knows nothing about the strength of Minneapolis. We are strong as hell."

Yeah, your strength is a figment of your imagination. Poor leadership is what we would call it. Now, on top of asking for the federal government to give him $$$$ after he allowed his city to be decimated, he wants to revamp the Minneapolis Police Department because of the George Floyd untimely death.

Read about it...


  1. Beg on your knees, Mayor.

  2. THis "mayor"encouraged rioting and looting in his city and the entire country by allowinf the take over and burning of his ciry's police station. We American taxpyers deserve his help rebuilding all the damage his weak and inept response caused.
    Is this the first job he ever had?
    Amy Klobuchar haad an opportunity to prosecute Chauvin but declined to do so in spite of his 17 infractions as an officer in her state.
    De Blasio, Cuomo, and the rest of the liberal Governors and Mayors have shown how inept the are in handlingtheir states and cities in this crisis andin the rest home deaths created by their disgusting policies.How many seniors died alone in their version of end of life "care"
