Sunday, June 7, 2020

Mayor of Los Angeles declares the Police as "Killers"

Los Angeles Mayor Clashes with City Police Department

"This week in America has marked some disturbing new chapters in the left’s crusade against the law enforcement community. You remember when the started out with ICE. Now it's escalated to the point of sheer madness.

At first, the anti-police sentiment came from rioters and demonstrators who are looting and burning U.S. cities. These people chant for the deaths of officers, scribble anti-cop graffiti on monuments, and otherwise express their disdain for the police force. Now it's mayors of major cities singing the same tune."


The absurdity of de-funding the police--happening in many major cities across the country...are Democrats all nuts? If anything, we need more cops. And New York is one of the few states to abolish bail for many crimes without also giving state judges the discretion to consider whether a person poses a threat to public safety in deciding whether to hold them. And look at what happened in New York over the last 13 days!

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