Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Masks Mandatory in Palm Beach County

Palm Beach County commissioners mandate face masks in public

On a 7/0 vote, the Palm Beach County Commission voted that we all have to wear masks in public.

The order will include all the cities in the county, not just the unincorporated parts. Any violation would be a misdemeanor, which could result in a fine or arrest or both, the same as in Broward and Miami-Dade counties.



  1. Guess I'm not going anywhere for awhile.

  2. Who are these people? Do you have their names Lynn? I'd like not to vote for them again.

  3. One Sheriff in northern California says he will not enforce Newsom's ridiculous mask order in order to avoid putting his deputies in danger.
    The Chinese Communists and WHO and Fauci all lied and Americans died.Now PBC commission is doing their best to keep the country under their thumbs and ignoring healthy solutions such as better diets, Vitamin D and C adequate water and exercise.
    Fauci's stay at home order created more cases in NYC.

  4. Wecome to the wonderful world of a Democrat controlled county. I can't wait to get the fuc out of here!Kerner is history!Will the tent city people be required to wear masks?

  5. Have those bums gone back to work yet, or are they issuing these orders on Zoom?

  6. The Palm Beach County Commission meets in real time, not virtually

  7. When I enter the therapy center, the therapist takes my temperature and it is normally c. 98 or lower.

    This protects me and the other patients from being infected by this Chinese virus indoors and lets us know if our temperatures are in safe range to be near other patients.

    It takes a few seconds and is an excellent method to stop the spread of this WMD.

  8. If they take my temperature at the dentist or doctors office, that's fine. They are providing a (fee for service) and they are entitled to protect themselves as they see fit. You don't have to go there.

    That is completely different from a commission issuing an order that everyone has to wear a mask.

    I believe the NAZI's said all of the Jews had to wear an armband.

    I am not wearing a mask, and I bet I won't be arrested or fined.

    There are people burning the cities down, and I'm supposed to wear a mask. Not on your life.

  9. Why don't these people get jobs.

  10. these are Q Anon and 4chan people. yikes
