Thursday, June 25, 2020

Masks Mandatory beginning today


  1. wish people would stop bitching and just give the mask 6 weeks to see what happens.the constitution is for all not just the few who think they know all

  2. It is no big deal! It may be for the best! Inside close to others it is going to be the norm going forward likely for years. Get used to it, buy a few nice face masks. What I miss about having to use them now in public is you cannot see people smile or see peoples reactions to things as much any more. Buy a face mask with a smile on it!

  3. Why are you so happy to go along with a directive which may be meaningless. Have you no mind of your own? Just sitting around waiting for someone in the local government to tell you what to do?

    Try using your head to think for yourself.

  4. Personally I believe masks are worthless BUT, who wants a $500 fine? You?

  5. Lynn, Apropos to your post; I don't want to be fined either. If I go somewhere that has a sign on the door that says I have to wear a mask, I carry one in my pocket so I can put it on.

    What I see, is people riding alone in their car, or riding their bicycle all alone, or walking their dog with a mask on.

    This is not normal behavior. This is brain-washing, or mind control, or self-loathing, or any other negative thing you can think of to call it.

    A country that can't think for itself, and just marches to the tune of an elected body, or non-elected body for that matter, is a country that is doomed to failure.

    Make no mistake: the mask is a symbol of something much darker.

  6. @3:40--Yes, I agree--it is OVER THE TOP. Now we have people posting photos of people NOT wearing a mask and shaming them. It's all insane. Warch all this go away once the election is over, unless of course, Trump wins again.
