Sunday, June 14, 2020

Insurrection in Seattle

As Police Chief Warns of Horrific Crimes, Dem Mayor Says Autonomous Zone Is 'Like a Block Party'

It's not like any block party I have ever seen, not in Lake Worth, that is for sure.

These anarchists have taken over 7 (it was 6) city blocks in Seattle. These criminals now "own" part of this city. It’s really a no-go area for police, an insurrection, and the mayor should be removed from office. Liberals created it but don't know how to handle it or just will not deal with it.


What happened to Law and Order? Public safety? Insurrection Act? This has to be one of the most stupid things allowed to happen in our country, other than liberals in general.


  1. FOX: Seattle police apparently have ceded the area, evacuated the police station, and will not return except to respond to a 911 call.

    OAN: Authorities in Washington state are reportedly set to take a stand against thousands of armed protesters, who have turned six blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill into an “autonomous zone.” On Friday, officials told reporters there are plans to take back “CHAZ,” an area formerly known as “12th and Pine.”

    Those are a few examples of reporting on the insurrection for big bold coward anonymous.

  2. I'm thinking someone else is a big coward, too terrified to print my comments. Why you so scared, Lynn? So, so very frightened.


  3. Hey oh brilliant one—just read the policy—I don’t allow lies here. Take a hike unless you would like to post under your real name. I’m pretty sure I know who you are.

  4. Lake Worth is a lot like Seattle too here, they do not enforce laws and rules very well and allow almost anything goes here.

    Dogs on the beach, bikes on sidewalks, boats parked for months on end on Snook Island boat dock, although the signs all says no over night parking of boats.

    This city does not enforce their laws and rules. Look at all the business vans and trucks all parked all over in the street and in front of residential areas which is not allowed.

    The city lacks in code enforcement and laws and a rules, they do not enforce their own laws. Management in LW is the worst, but the elected are the ones that allow this and over look all. The city needs new elected and new management who enforce our laws and rules and demand respect for all!

    Abide by our rules and laws!

  5. Why don't they just not allow anyone from CHAZ to cross into the United States? Fence them in.Let their utopia be on display for all of the world to see when they start killing and eating each other!

  6. Basically, it's just another homeless compound!

  7. @8:59. It's so much more than that. These are anarchists who took over 6-7 city blocks and won't allow anyone to enter, even fire rescue or the police. They need to be shut down, any means possible. They are criminals.

  8. Well then, "Lord of the Flies" would be more accurate! If they are just left there, it would probably be the best social experiment in recent history. (Excepting David Koresh) The longer they are there, the more the situation will deteriorate.

    I think they are probably trying to emulate the "Paris Commune" which also ended in disaster.
