Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Black Protester Thug Beats Elderly Couple

The BLM crowd would serve themselves better if they obeyed the law. More frequently, they are pulling disgusting, violent stunts against White people, a race they blame for all their ills, real or perceived.

"He sucker punched and beat the man into submission, then turned his rage onto their neighbor, a grey-haired woman. As the confrontation continued, Alicia Code, the woman with the sign that was repulsive, waged her own assault against the two. Eventually, Alicia Code kicked the man and threw the woman to the ground."


  1. You say he's a black protestor. He isn't. You're lying.

    You're Fake News. You deceive. You divide. You've been dividing Lake Worth for years. When you're gone, that will be what you're remembered for. Nothing else. Because you do nothing good. You just intentionally and maliciously create divisions.

  2. anonymous...perhaps you would have preferred me saying he was a HATER OF WHITE PEOPLE. No, he is not a protester with the BLM movement today but he certainly was protesting and showing his deep rooted hate for White people. I hope they got him also on an abuse of senior charge.

    The ONLY folks creating division are Democrats, socialists, communists and globalists who are fooling all of you. So sad.

    And when I'm dead, I will be remembered for standing up for America.

  3. 9:35

    You are already forgotten.

    What is your positive contribution to society or Lake Worth today???

    Lynn informs us and the public in general about the Demoncrats and CCP treachery and disrespect for human life exhibited by their
    ruthless spreading of the killer virus to the world.

    I'm surprised that Lynn publishes your "News"

    Check with CNN and see ifthey have a position for you in their "Very Fake News" department.

  4. 9:35am whatcha gonna do when they come for YOU?
