Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Black Elected Officials Give Veiled Threat

Caucus of Black Elected Officials call racism 'public health issue'

Commissioner Hardy spoke about this last night at the Lake Worth City Commission Meeting. He said that if the Palm Beach County Caucus of Black Elected Officials determined that elected officials were not not willing to take decisive action to safeguard all lives, they will not be supported at the polls.

In the crazy environment today, that is all subjective. What if after calling 911, the police did not arrive quickly enough, according to this Group, when it involved a person of color? Would they get all bent out of shape and start crying "racism?"

Al Jacquet, Omari's opponent in the Democrat Primary in August, wants elected officials to look like him--"I want my future son or daughter to look up [at the commission] and see someone that looks like their dad or mom," state Rep. Al Jacquet, D-Riviera Beach, said. "I want the judges to look the same and law enforcement. Until we're able to do that, we’re going to be asking for bandages."



  1. There is inherent danger of following that type of advice. Many years ago, Riviera Beach Police wanted the force to look more like the city they police. They couldn't get enough qualified applicants to pass the test. So they lowered the requirement.

    If I were to advocate hiring the best and brightest for the job, and he or she is not a person of color, I'd be promoting racism.

    There is enough hate and animosity on both sides to go around. It is acceptable for the hate and animosity to be directed toward whites and the establishment because of the history of oppression. That bell cannot be un-rung.

    Equality opportunity is now meant to require equal outcome. The government cannot be the sole arbiter of that outcome by wishing it so.

    There are signs of hope. Today, you see a huge number of whites marching along side our black brothers and sisters to protest the injustice we seem to have all witnessed. But when you equate what happened to George Floyd to what happened to the thug that was shot by police after he attacked the same officer and after he had strong-armed a store clerk, you diminish your cause. Heck, some commentators were going all the way back to Emmit Till in 1959 to make their point.

    There will always be prejudice. Racism is having the power to act on that prejudice in order to discriminate.

  2. Don't understand your 2nd paragraph.
    We should always hire the best and the brightest and the most qualified, not hire on the basis of skin color.
    I don't believe in affirmative action.

  3. I agree Lynn, it happens all the time in my work, just in the name of diversity, even if they are not qualified. Not fair, there is so much discrimination toward white people more and more racism at work or in public toward whites than any other. That is why there is so much mediocrity today in our society.

    Like they said on the show Touched by an Angel show this morning, they said there are only two types of people, it was a show about racism and white supremacy, it is not at all about race, it never really is, it is about good and bad, about your character, about whether you have God in you or the devil, what side are you on? Are you living your life with the Spirit filled with God or do you follow and listen to the devil?

    WE all know good from bad, we all have a character. Which does each person here on earth chose? Love, hate, violence, division, looting?

  4. Racism and Discrimination are painted with a broad brush. I don't know of a country or for that matter, a continent, where Police Brutality has not been practiced. Most Asian countries police departments, practically beat to death, as well as torture suspects. Western Europe where moderation is prized, is not immune to sadistic police officers.

    Perfection is not achievable. Good hiring practices should be the goal. This is no different in nursing homes, prisons, child welfare services, or for that matter the Boy Scouts. The next sadist is just around the corner.

    If we were perfect, George Floyd would still be alive. Chauvin must be made an example of. As they say: "Hanging is too good for him." But then, there is always the next one, and the next one.

  5. So let me get this straight: These "protesters" have just gotten off of their sofas, or Peletons, picked up their I phones and went on a 5 day "forget social distancing" rampage on the streets of most major cities. And we're worried about the Corona Virus? I pity anybody who buys into this. Hooray for Saks 5th Avenue, who put up razor wire, and hired their own security with Pit bulls and German Shepards.

  6. Omari, if elected, will drive the State house crazy.

  7. rather him be there than here

  8. There will be problems until there's admission of racism on BOTH sides and the MSM stops naming races in every minor incident, effectively causing division. The Birdwatcher incident was not about race it was about the dog. Anyone who asks a dog owner to follow the law gets blasted. When we are just people and not races this will stop.
