Sunday, June 21, 2020

AOC's Democrat Challenger

AOC Challenger Caruso-Cabrera Earns Wall Street Support, GOP

"Caruso-Cabrera, a Republican-turned-Democrat and the daughter and granddaughter of working-class Italian and Cuban immigrants, is challenging Ocasio-Cortez in New York’s primary in the 14th Congressional District, which encompasses neighborhoods in parts of The Bronx and Queens."

As the Republican challenger to AOC had to drop out due to obstacles placed by Andrew Cuomo's 11 Executive Orders changing the Election process, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera might give socialist AOC a run for her money. At this point, AOC has raised 5 times the money as Caruso-Cabrera.

Read about it...

As voters say they never see AOC in her own precinct, a huge grassroots effort on the part of Caruso-Cabrera will definitely help.

1 comment:

  1. I know Michelle from when she was on Squawk Box. She is a brilliant woman, but I can't say the same for her likability quotient. AOC has a following of like kind robots. I will root for Michelle, but I wouldn't put any money on her.
