Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Another Lake Worth Commission Meeting From Hell

At 1 hour and 51 minutes, the commission proceeds to discuss "systemic racism" in the City that doesn't exist. It does not exist in our country either. Because some have been brainwashed to believe we have all these overzealous cops in our city, is believing a false narrative. If you say it often enough, it is believed. Stop committing crimes; that solves the problem immediately.

From the very beginning regarding this item on the agenda, it was utter confusion. Hardy dominated the conversation. Commissioner Hardy made a motion to create a Task Force with five committees to make recommendations. Hardy firmly believes he has been discriminated against all of his life and this is his motivation to convince all of us that we are all racists but him, of course. And that's why he was voted in as a city commissioner.

Commissioner Scott Maxwell wants professionals to come in and help them to form a task force. The Commission, after two hours and a shouting match, will have a special meeting on June 23 to discuss this further and to decide whether or not to have a Task Force on "racism." I never heard a vote.

One thing about it, Omari Hardy knows how to get on camera.
Channel 12 video


  1. The education level and ignorance of these so called leaders is a real problem in the city and out country now. Is there any common sense? Do any of them have a bachelor's degree? Real experience?

  2. Omari had a little over 59% of the vote in 2019, a landslide. White voters put him over the top.

  3. Well, the PBSO police still discriminate in the city as they are not present in the bad areas of the city. They won't be caught hanging out in Howard Park or The Osbourne gym or center and all the areas in the south or little Guatemala, they come after the fact of a crime mostly, they hang out by the golf course or beach mostly, in areas where there is little crime. They know there is too much crime there and people literality hanging on the streets there selling dope and what not, the people in Howard Park are bold and know the police won't come. They need to stop discriminating and have more of a presence in Howard Park and that entire southern sector which is mostly black, illegals, and poor.

  4. Couldn’t agree more, Lynn. Also if Hardy would give a hoot to show up on time for these meetings?!?! May seem like a small detail or infraction but to me it speaks volumes on his level of professionalism and responsibility. Does he think he will be able to walk to in 5 or 10
    minutes late to meetings if he makes it to the House? He’s young, and irresponsible. Omari Hardy is not who we need representing us in Lake Worth.

    I also did not like how he brought up Richard and the FAB past issue. While he did not call out Richard by name, I find it disrespectful and again, unprofessional. That is a closed issue, and I believe Mr. Guercio to be innocent. It was a low blow and uncalled for.

  5. @1:28--If PBSO started heavily concentrating on that end of town, they would all scream discrimination. PBSO, at this moment, will not win with some folks who want to see racism under every rock.

  6. Here are the 2 motions for the Task Force item from last night’s meeting:
    1. Motion made by Commissioner Hardy and seconded by Commissioner Robinson to set a special meeting on June 23 to create a Task Force to make recommendations to the City Commission on the issue of eradicating systemic racism in the City of Lake Worth Beach.
    2. Motion by Commissioner Maxwell and seconded by Vice Mayor Amoroso to direct staff to come back with some direction with respect to how we can utilize either the National League of Cities or the U.S. Conference of Mayors to the resources they have available to them to give us guidance on how to establish a task force that provides for the affected parties here in the City of LWB to be directly involved in the process so we can figure out what it is that the community is feeling, what their needs are and how we may address them going forward.

    I never heard a vote on either one of these motions.

  7. So Lynn you are saying then that it is OK that PBSO completely avoid and not go to Howard Park to catch all those black men there selling drugs out in the open? It is so obvious what happens there. This is the problem with our society today, too many excuses for why we overlook all things like this.

    Just like the guy killed in Atlanta. He was guilty of all he did, drunk, and grabbing a gun of a cop and all, the police are no at fault at all in this case, but now being charged and losing their jobs. The guy in Atlanta caused his own death for his actions, the police were just doing their job and they should do their job all the time in all locations of the city. Of any city even Lake Worth! I am tired of excuses. The mayor and some in Atlanta are wrong in blaming the police for this one.

  8. The problem now is and who blames people, no one will want to be a teacher, nurse, or cop anymore in our society. Why would you want to be a cop and police citizens like the drunk Brooks in Atlanta who causes his own death? Who blames anyone for not going into being a police officer now in the USA? It is no wonder no one wants to be a cop, teacher, or nurse anymore, why would people put their lives in risk for all of this? Why?

  9. @4:33 Are you rational? Whatever gave you the idea that I would be against PBSO doing its job? Other than that one statement, that is off the wall, I agree with you.

  10. It is a sin now that they are giving 11 charges to the cops in the Atlanta Brooks Wendy's shooting. The cops were only doing their jobs. Brooks was completely at fault for the incidence. Why would anyone want to be a cop in the USA anymore? There is going to be a huge police officer shortage now in the USA, just like there is a teacher shortage. Teachers and police are not respected at all. Who would want to teach and put up with these bad kids and horrible parents who do not teach their children anything? Our society is on a hue decline into oblivious. WE have gone to hell!

  11. I did a public information request on the vote:

    Vote on Maxwell’s motion: AYES: Mayor Triolo, Vice Mayor Amoroso and Commissioner Maxwell. NAYS: Commissioner Robinson. DID NOT VOTE: Commissioner Hardy.

    Vote on original motion: AYES: Mayor Triolo and Commissioners Hardy and Robinson. original NAYS: Vice Mayor Amoroso and Commissioner Maxwell.

  12. I’m sorry but ya’ll are lost here - we have bigger problems out there right now than BLM. All lives matter. Enough of this. And Herman Robinson, I’m sorry, he needs to retire. He sounds so confused. Who will hold his hand when Commissioner Hardy moves on?

  13. Lynn, you're 1:48 post is 100% correct. I don't know how we got here, but we're here now, and I don't see any way out. Powerful ideologies are doing everything they can to bring the country to its' knees. And the rest of the people are too stupid to know what is happening to them.
