Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Andrew Cuomo wants eveyone in the country to wear masks

New York Governor Tells Trump to MAKE AMERICANS WEAR MASKS!

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) on Monday called on President Trump to sign an executive order “directing everyone to wear a mask” and urged the president to “lead by example” by wearing one himself. Every time I see Cuomo on television, he is never wearing a mask.

New York has had 417,328 cases and 31,496 deaths whereas, as an example, South Dakota has had 6,326 cases and 81 deaths. South Dakotians were never required to wear a mask,

Cuomo can continue to whine as much as he likes, a Democrat trait.


  1. Cuomo's policies killed 1000's of seniors and made them die alone in the senior homes without any family members with them as they passed away.
    He and his CNN brother are typical Democrats-arrogant, dishonest, evil.

  2. Masks, there are some real whacks out there with masks. Why in God's name do you have to wear a mask if you are outside or driving in a car by yourself? Some people have gone of the deep end, maybe that includes Cuomo and many others. It makes no sense whatsoever.
