Monday, June 1, 2020

Anarchy in the United States of America

Secret Service Agents Wounded Outside White House

A senior official in the direct chain of command for defending Washington D.C. told Fox News that more than 50 Secret Service officers have been injured Sunday night so far, and that some rioters are throwing bottles and Molotov cocktails.
Read about it...

National Monuments defaced

"In the wake of last night's demonstrations, there are numerous instances of vandalism to sites around the National Mall," the National Park Service for the National Mall said.
Read about it...

One was the Lincoln Memorial, the President who freed the slaves!

There was a large group of agitators breaking windows at the Palm Beach Outlets as well as the Gardens Mall and punks entered onto I-95 and blocked 5 lanes of traffic.

 In the meantime, the City of Lake Worth condoned a "vigil" organized by an area activist in front of our City Hall and a march down Lake Avenue. This was a poor decision by Lake Worth, and in this incendiary environment, Lake Worth just lucked out. Our flag was shredded and burned and officials say an arrest will not take place.


  1. This is so terrible for our country. Our law enforcement has shown a lot of restraint, more than these rebel rousers deserve. Start cracking some heads.

  2. I think PArila did it for the right reason but after what he did years ago to Dee mcnamara, he needs to stay out of our town

  3. Dee is Asian so is Padilla racist or just envious.

  4. Parilla should always be avoided,much like the Plague,or Smallpox. WTF was Mayor Triolo thinking? I guess she wasn't.

  5. Lake Worth has no law and order anyway. They do not enforce laws. The sign on Snook Island clearly says no overnight docking at the Snook Island piers and there are six boats docked there that live there and never move, plus three others docked just off from them a bit, they have solar panels and live on their boats free using city water and all free. While we all have to pay property taxes and/or rent. The city has gone to hell and do nothing about enforcing laws like this. Pam, and andy are in bed with all these anarchists and supposed Christians, but they are all really hypocrites. Enforce our laws you pathetic mayor!

  6. The monuments can be restored like new. That is what should be done ASAP. Enough of this lamenting. Enough hand wringing! Let's get back to living.

  7. It doesn't take a huge leap of the imagination to interpret this whole virus lock-down as a staging mechanism for a take-over of the government. Naturally, we the people would be the last to know. Maybe, we'll get a text!
