Thursday, June 18, 2020

Anarchists now getting Justice

Anarchists Who Firebombed Police Vehicles Are Now All Facing MAJOR JUSTICE

"Rioters across the country may think that they just have absolute freedom to do whatever they want and get away with it, but the Trump administration isn't about to let that happen."

Those two lawyers and another woman who firebombed police officers in New York and are now being charged with attempted murder by the Feds.

Read about it...


  1. Excellent! So are these threes guys!

    When does the white cop who killed George Floyd go on trial, Lynn?

    I love it when our justice system works.

  2. Firebombers are Muslim. I love it when our justice system works against our inbred enemies who can't appreciate being safe in a good country.

  3. Terrorist in Philadelphia caught because her t-shirt was traced by good police work. These idiots are also identified by tatoos. I guess they think a mask makes them invisible.I love it when our justice system works against spoiled college girls.
