Friday, May 1, 2020

What the Mad Squad is Proposing in next Stimulus

‘The Squad’ Proposes Bill Which Would Allow Fed to Strip You of Your Property Rights

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the squad are trying to strip away property rights in exchange for a rent and mortgage cancellation deal. This has been one of the proposed plans for the fourth installment of the stimulus deals.

Socialist Democrats are still working on stripping your rights while they have an opportunity to do so. They are dead set on not letting a bad situation go to waste. This is the time to push their agenda and they’re going to do it while people are vulnerable.

This just goes to show the mindset of Democrats. How anyone could be a Democrat blows my mind.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the squad are trying to strip away property rights in exchange for a rent and mortgage cancellation deal. This has been one of the proposed plans for the fourth installment of the stimulus deals." [FreedomHeadlines]

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