Sunday, May 10, 2020

Supreme Court Ruling

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain in the US Is a Crime

The Supreme Court not only vacated the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision but also skewered its judges for “drastically” straying from judicial norms.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg said, “a court is not hidebound by the precise arguments of counsel, but the Ninth Circuit’s radical transformation of this case goes well beyond the pale.”

Read about it...


  1. Something about that liberal 9th Court.

  2. I agree with the Supreme Court! This has been a problem for years, all these liberal, many elected have allowed this for years. You should not be promoting this with illegal immigrants, if they are here illegally, it is a crime, they should not be allowed to stay and should have to be returned and pay the price. We need to stop this in the USA, it makes all good law abiding citizens lose respect for our government when we overlook this crime. Then our government and law enforcement want to know why we do not respect them anymore. Enforce the laws in the USA, all of them please!

  3. The USA is no long a country of law and order anymore! It is sad, but true, no one wants laws enforced anymore. Our country has gone to hell in a handbasket. They do not enforce any laws anymore. the police and our country are complete dysfunctional and lack enforcement of basic things like dogs on beaches, toss trash and cig buts, code enforcement, anything, we have so many illegals in the USA, millions, and our country never addressed it 20-50 years ago, they just allow it to perpetuate. How can anyone respect our government? There is no law or order here! No enforcement at all in the USA anymore.

  4. Some of the items on your list are really cultural issues, not legal issues. There is no reason that we couldn't include 15 minutes in the school day, to talk to students about throwing trash in the proper receptacles, picking up after themselves, etc. The whole country like you said is averse to following the law, but the law has to make sense to them. If people were never taught anything at home, how can you expect them to know how to act in public, unless they learn proper behavior in school.

    Unfortunately, you do not become a good teacher by attending 4 years of school. It's an easy degree, where a person of mediocre intellect can earn a living with very little effort.

    I have met teachers who have never read a classic. Is this person supposed to teach the students.

    We have a lot of problems, but everyone wants to take the easy way out.

  5. Everything starts at home, close to home and on a local level. It’s about time Lake Worth got serious about Code Enforcement and our local police should be enforcing parking violations. Cars parked on sidewalks, in front of fire hydrants, on front lawns, blocking traffic and in the wrong direction, to name a few, are the norm but nothing is done.
