Saturday, May 2, 2020


The Food and Drug Administration has granted emergency use authorization for Gilead’s remdesivir drug to treat the coronavirus


  1. Are you going to tell us who "Jim Wood" is? I mean, he has all this explosive information and conspiracy theories....shouldn't we know who he is?

    Or do we not care because he is making allegations against the latest batch of Americans that Republicans have decided to hate on? And we should be happy about that and take his word for it.

  2. It's an opinion just like yours. So, who in the hell are you?

  3. Now that it appears Fauci was complicit in China's illegal bio-weapon virus research lab in Wuhan, from work he did for Obama around 2014, I think it is time we see him as a threat to America, rather than someone that might have advice or solutions for us.... His ties to global plans for World Vaccine revenues and political power from such control are evident in his association with Bill Gates, the real-life "Dr Evil".
    There are strong laws on the books against a person engaging in illegal viral research with dangerous bioweapon potentials - if convicted, this is as serious as Treason. The problem is the difficulty in getting a conviction, as the Legal system is not well prepared for such a prosecution. If the American public began as one, to scream for him to be prosecuted-- maybe he would at least be removed from his position of world domination.

  4. On January 21, a patent for commercial use of Remdesivir – a drug initially created by an American pharmaceutical firm to fight ebola – was filed in China.

    The application was made by Wuhan Institute of Virology, the top-secret bio-laboratory at the centre of concerns about a possible leak of the disease from its research on bats, and the country’s Military Medicine Institute.

  5. Elites at work. Fauci loves insanely expensive drugs and hates cheap plentiful ones or any hint of preventative supplementation. You see how quickly he praised remdesivir and has only scorn for hydroxychroloquine?”
    Hydroxychroloquine is a generic drug on the market. This new drug has not been FDA approved and will cost a lot of money. This is for some to become rich like China.

  6. Dan...are you Q-Anon? Because you sure sound like Q-Anon.

    Look, I'm crossing my fingers and hoping you good folks stick to your vows of not taking the vaccines, not wearing masks, and taking Hydroxychroloquine. When businesses finally do open for those of us who have done otherwise, we'll have smaller lines to wait in and more inventory to pick from.

    You'll be staring up at the lid of a container six feet below the surface but imagine how good you'll feel for owning the libs!!!

  7. To Anonymous Coward Jr. at 1:57...
    First, you don't have the background in science to understand what has happened, and you've been forced to imagine your reality from the propaganda machine of CNN and your buddies in communist China and the WHO. I suppose the ignorance and fear you project is to be expected, and it been gift wrapped nicely for us with the fact you are afraid to post under your real name....It must be awful to go through life so afraid and empty of personality, that you have to hide like this. I'd be sorry for you...but...I don't need to like everyone, and in your case I can almost enjoy picturing you in terror, hiding in your house with mask on, and with 100 pounds of toilet paper in each closet.

  8. sure sounds like dan is an authority on EVERYTHING.if that's your real name

  9. Dan The Diver schooling us on virology and criminal law.

    As if.

    BTW, it was Lynn with the mask on in her house, not me. Wag your finger at her, Big Guy.


  10. I don't know Bill Gates. He's worth over 100 billion. I think he thinks of himself as a philanthropist. I think he does what he sees as important. I am sure he is not interested in party politics. He is without a doubt a one world guy. A Globalist.

    If I had 100 billion, I might do some things or many things, that people might not view as important. It's hard to imagine what I would do with 100 Billion.

    However, I do nor think Bill Gates is an evil genius. He does what he believes in.

  11. @3:26--His name beats "anonymous" and therefore his statements have credibility. You, on the other hand, would rather attack him hiding under "anonymous." As said, you are "pathetic." Sad little person.

  12. Fauci is an evil man on the level of Nazi Dr. Mengele that needs to be brought to trial.Gates is a Eugenicist that believes in population control of the masses. Hydroxychloroquin ( A GENERIC, GOD FORBID !!!!)given along with Zinc and Azithromycin at an early stage has been proven globally.Hydroxy without zinc doesn't work well.As a preventative for health care workers Hydroxy has been shown very successful. It's always about the money/power/sex or a combination of the three. Follow the money . The truth is out there.
