Friday, May 8, 2020

Omari - as expected on opening our beach

Lake Worth Commissioner Hardy appeared before the Palm Beach County Board of Commissioners this morning--it was all doom and gloom. He was in his element and the county gave him 3 times the amount of time to get his points across after questions.

Everyone, but one obvious Democrat (because of his cracks about the Governor and the Whitehouse), during public speaking, spoke to open Palm Beach County beaches without restrictions. Omari was the only one dead against.

Omari said it "was a risky thing to do," and that "sickness and death urges caution." He wants the beach to remain closed. He also feared people jumping on Amtrak from Broward or Dade to visit our beaches thus spreading the virus.

After deliberation, the County Commission was split 3/3 and Mayor Kerner made a  motion. He did state that he wants to see our beaches opened. His motion was that the commission come back on May 15 to look at the final product and suggested a May 18th opening of our beaches. The motion passed on a 4/3 vote with Bernard, Weiss and Burger dissenting.

Mayor Kerner is with our governor discussing other aspects of this lockdown and testing centers. He will be reporting back after 2:30pm. Lake Worth (Beach) has cancelled its meeting scheduled at 4:00pm today on this subject. Why?

Read about it...


  1. why is it omori never has the mask covering his face always under his chin.might as well leave it home


  3. Sunlight, fresh air, and salt water all kill germs and bacteria.
    Open the beaches, parks and golf courses and treat this communist party virus with the proven effective medications,
    hydroxychlorquine and zpak.
    President Trump passed Right to Try legislation.
    Let's stop waiting for big Pharma to enrich themselves as they and the dems work on a new vaccine.

  4. I like the way Laurence thinks. Just think, if all of America lived in Florida, there wouldn't be a virus!

  5. @3:24 everyone got the message but I think he was thinking of Tri-rail

  6. @2:59--Omari wasn't close to anyone while he was speaking. He worse his mask while 6 feet apart in the chamber.

  7. 4:38 misrepresents my post
    Big pharma and old bureaucrat Fauci enrich themselves on vaccine searches and the Dems and Bill Maher want to extend the shutdown using waiting for this "silver bullet" rather than using a proven effective remedy Hydroxychloroquine to cure patients suffering from this Chinese Communist Party virus.
    Sunlight and salt water kill bacteria. We are fortunate to have both readily available in Florida now.

  8. That may very well be true 4:38, considering that the the virus came from New York, via China, and then to connecting flights throughout the Country.

  9. The virus came from China ..Period

  10. "Two separate research projects suggest that the novel coronavirus may have been circulating in New York City earlier than thought and the earliest cases likely originated with travelers coming from Europe and other parts of the United States, not Asia.

    The new data come from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the NYU Grossman School of Medicine."

  11. @7:09--Is that Fake News CNN reporting on this? And then you have the fake news New York Times. Wow.

  12. I don't care what your research projects suggest: 850,000 people flew into New York Airports from China in January. There is nothing unreasonable about that number, when you consider the number of Chinese Americans, Students, Physicians, Professors, Tourists, Manufacturers Reps, etc.

    This is the origin of fake news. Silly suggestions, absurd hypothesis, arbitrarily twisting factual information. What else do you have to say? The disease came from China.

    Two separate research projects? Have they nothing else to do? I hope the government is not paying them for this rot.

  13. It may be too much for your small brains to manage but suppose that it's possible that the virus ORIGINATED in China and then spread to Europe (hence cases in Italy, Germany, France, etc) and then was spread into the U.S. by infected persons coming into various U.S. airports.

    Yes, no doubt the virus originated in China and was spread into the U.S. by those coming in from that country. But there are also scientists, experts and specialists with more than the high school education that you all possess that have determined that spread may have also been introduced from Europe.

    Now, go get your haircuts. All of you. And do Americans a favor and leave your mask at home. Kiss. Hug. Shake hands. Americans will cheer you for it. And we'll patiently wait for 2 or 3 weeks for the world to be better.

  14. @9:10--I don't suppose anyone ever has called you a complete A-Hole.
    Why does it seem that Democrats hate America no matter the topic?

  15. To the A-Hole who attempted to answer me...*I wear a mask to shop at Publix because THEY REQUIRE IT. Have never worn gloves because THEY DON'T REQUIRE IT.
    The only person who qualifies as an A-Hole on this blog is you.

  16. stop the bickering and name are playing right into their hands and letting them win.

  17. I disagree with you at 10:39. People should be called out. Trump does it and he wins! So why should this blog put up with Democrat shit?

  18. Don't tell me you're not wearing a mask, Lynn, because I've seen you downtown doing it. And people have told me they've seen you outside your condo with it on. You're not fooling anyone. You're telling everyone one thing and doing another. If you don't think the virus is anything to worry about then leave your fancy mask at home. Don't practice social distancing and go get your hair cut when the shops open. Without a mask.

    I'm so sick of your hypocrisy.

  19. @6:22...I guess you have nothing better to do. I do NOT wear a mask other than to Publix as they require it. If I went anywhere, which I seldom do, I call first to see if it is required like Home Depot.
    Anything else you want to lie about?
    So, why are you so obsessed with me? Democrats are just obsessed with non-truths in general.

  20. LOL. Don't tell them about the hand sanitizer you pack in your purse, Lynn, or they'll have a heart attack!

  21. this blog is about opening our beach and Omari speaking against it. What does it have to do with wearing a mask or not? Stay on point, anonymous at 6:22.
