Thursday, May 14, 2020

Letter to the Editor- Trump Derangement Syndrome at its best

Saw this letter to the Editor and wanted to highlight a real ungrateful Trump hating SOB. Also, Read what Trump proposes for the USPS  It certainly isn't to abolish it as this letter writer claims.

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
May 12, 2020

Federal response to COVID-19 is a financial fiasco

Several weeks ago, I and millions of others began receiving $1,200 from the federal government — which I had neither requested or needed. I am donating most of mine to various food banks. (What a wonderful guy)

Now I get a letter from President Donald Trump taking credit for the “gift” even though all he did is sign the bill. To top it off, the letter was delivered by the U.S. Postal Service (at a loss, I’m sure), an agency he deems fit to abolish because it is not making a profit.

Meanwhile, here in Florida, hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers have been waiting months for their $275 per week checks. This is a fiasco that our kids, grandkids and great-grandkids will be paying for for most of their lives.

Russ Curtis, Palm Beach


  1. this man lives in Palm Beach. glad he's donating his check to the poor.

  2. Just another Democrat with Trump derangement syndrome. These are the only letters that the Palm Beach Post ever print.
    If the president had excluded anyone in the country regarding the stimulus check, his ass would be on the line as well with liberals who constantly search for something to bitch about.
    I say, stop all future stimulus to anyone and get our country opened.

  3. It was approved by congress.

  4. anything to attack the president.
