Tuesday, May 5, 2020

FISA Abuse

"Former CIA Analyst and National Security Council Chief of Staff, Fred Fleitz was recently interviewed by Jan Jekielek at American Thought Leaders to discuss the ongoing investigation into the Spygate scandal. During the interview, he dropped a major bomb, a report by the House Intelligence Committee revealed that the evidence of Russia trying to help Donald Trump was extremely weak. But there was strong evidence that Putin and Russia favored Hillary to win but John Brennan covered it up.

Brennan pressed ahead with the Russian collusion hoax even though he new it to be fake and over the objections of many in the CIA whom knew the opposite to be true. The House Intelligence report has never been published because the Deep State at the CIA has withheld it during their review since 2018. I suspect that Adam Schiff’s fingerprints are on this scandal." [SteadFastLoyalty]

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