Thursday, May 7, 2020

Commission Meeting of May 5, 2020

Lake Worth Beach city commission virtual meeting gets nasty again... here’s the spark that set it off

PBPost article

It all had to to with Commissioner Robinson's intent of the item placed under New Business on the Snook Islands docks that are owned by the County and the City's  responsibility for all the maintenance with no income from them. We lease the docks and to get out of the obligation, we would have to pay back the county $300,000 for the grants.

The item was denied  in the beginning of the meeting to move it off of New Business to come back for discussion at the next regular meeting. Later in the meeting, it was brought up again. Robinson reiterated his objections with Hardy agreeing to postpone the item until the next meeting but Commissioner Maxwell made a motion to call the question and call the vote which resulted in a 3/2. Robinson then says, "This is a do nothing group!" It had to pass on a super-majority vote according to city attorney. It didn't so that motion failed. Eventually, future discussion of the item passed on a 3/2 vote.


  1. Sounds like another crappy lease by the city

  2. What was interesting was right after that when they discussed what, if anything, they could do to help our beach merchants. Three of the tenants wrote a letter to the commission and I have to say, all three appeals were emotional.
