Monday, May 4, 2020

China Closing our Food Supply

As China-Owned Meat Plants Close in U.S., Iowa Sends National Guard to Safeguard Supply Chain

China-owned Smithfield Foods has closed four meat processing facilities in the U.S. and implemented rolling production shutdowns on a fifth plant due to coronavirus at those locations, according to Newsweek.

Read about it...

Not only did they withhold information about this virus, they hoarded PPE for themselves. As this country always comes to everyone's aid, American companies sold more than $17.5 million worth of face masks, more than $13.6 million in surgical garments and more than $27.2 million in ventilators to China during the first two months of the year to help them out. The virus was already spreading around the world when China finally decided to tell us the particulars.

Virus Timeline

Another great article... on what China did, or rather didn't do to notify the world. The big cover-up!


  1. Didn't know about them owning Smithfield. This is a scary situation. How many US corporations do they own?

  2. stop buying their meat

  3. Hey 8:03, you didn’t know the Chinese owned Smithfield it’s common knowledge, what else are ignorant about boy?

  4. Hey, this isn't Facebook. The only ignorance shown here has been demonstrated by you!

  5. hey 11'20 everyone isn't as liberal as you thinking everyone knows know so much when is hotel going to open
