Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Woman arrested and charged with Misdemeanor Tresspassing

Mother Is Handcuffed & Arrested for Letting Kids Play At the Park — Not Social Distancing

This happened in Idaho, which is a state in America – also known as the United States. These are important facts to note, considering the coronavirus pandemic has turned some public sector employees into banana republic dictators.[FlagandCross]

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  1. What a nightmare this all is.

  2. no wonder people stocked up on guns when this all started

  3. It's just another example of the fact that nobody wants any law or order here now in the United States. people cannot respect the law. Look in Bryant Park right now there's all this tape up of people just go right through the tape rip it down and going to the park although the park is closed there too. then they wonder why them and their little kids all are getting The covid19 virus.

  4. People are stupid, but they're not so stupid that they don't know when they are being made fools of. Everybody knows, that you are not going to catch the virus in the park, and they had no business to close down these little parks, where people walk their dogs, ride their bicycles, or just sit and read or watch the squirrels. The one size fits all lock-down isn't working.

    I blame the local politicians for this. All of a sudden, a taste for power has overtaken them. That schmo in West Palm, issuing orders for the whole county.

    I like the Governor, but he too has to listen to his masters. A bunch of old rich people who are afraid they are going to die. That's what this is all about.

    This is a New York problem. If we had put up road blocks for all NY, NJ, and MA Licences, sent the Cruise Ships to an island and quarantined everyone who got off of a plane from NY, we wouldn't have had any cases here.

    At least the Sheriff's Deputies are smart enough to know how far they can go with the people of this town.
