Friday, April 3, 2020

Was the Coronavirus released by accident or on purpose?

"Senator Tom Cotton theorized that the Chinese government released the virus on purpose as a biological weapon.

Other people think the virus was released by the disgusting wet markets in China where people can purchase cats, dogs, bats and more insane stuff that they intend to EAT.

While speaking with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo Ted Cruz asked the question of whether the Coronavirus was released on accident or on purpose." [Tediummedia]


  1. Some heard and says it came from University of Harvard. Lynn you had something on here a week or two ago about the Harvard Chemistry chair being arrested and two Chinese nationals that tried to bring something back to China back in Nov. or something like that, viles? So do you think this COVID 19 Virus was created to harm people and Americans? It all seems so odd. Too, that is seems to hurt and kill and affect older people mostly and certain types of people. Maybe the government wants to eliminate the older populations to get all their money since that is where all the old money is in the older people?

  2. 1.42 GET A LIFE!!!!!!!
