Thursday, April 16, 2020

Trump Derangement Syndrome

This woman should be kicked out of the press corp. Can you imagine interrupting the president in this manner? UNREAL. He shouldn't give her the time of day and never allow her to ask a question again. What a disgrace!


  1. Yeah, imagine. It's totally unimaginable. Only happens to Trump!

    Your memory is so short.

  2. Obama was a GUEST of Brett Baier. Baier was the interviewer. Obama lied.
    Thanks for the link to remind us all what a liar Obama was and how ineffectual he was overall.

  3. Although is was a valid question. What was President doing and saying in the month of Feb?

  4. On 2-26, the first case of the virus was reported in California. 2 weeks later, Trump declared a national emergency, all the time listening to his health experts and the WHO.

  5. Apropos to the virus itself: I heard a legitimate physician on TV say yesterday, that 80% of the people on ventilators die. That being the case, I can't understand what the rush to get so many of them was all about. Please don't give me one, I'd rather die without one. 20% is not a good number in a life or death case. I don't even like 50%.

    Now, with the lottery, or a tip, 20% is pretty good, but not with my life.

    What I really want to see, is the demographics of those who have died of this virus. They don't want us to know that.

  6. Trump is damned if if he does,damned if he doesn't. The same TDS "journalists" blaming Trump for going rogue and not listening to the "experts",are trying to blame him for not acting sooner after he listened to the "experts".
