Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Lockdown - Wake Up America -

What in the world is actually going on?

Document reveals plans, step by step

This video is a MUST see!


  1. OK, I am in for a bunch of us being in public in Lake Worth, and refusing to follow quarantine guidelines. But it should be a smart refusal that any Judge would have to see as our arrests being massive government over-reach, with no valid justification....let's start planning the fight to get freedom back.

    Really, we need to get the Mayor to help us with this. The town itself is NOT the enemy--they have been made a "pawn" in this, in exactly the same way that each of you out in Publix or Costco wearing masks, is following the globalist agenda of spreading FEAR and keeping the "pandemic" going with the required Fear...

  2. One more thing...stop wearing the fricking masks....they will not help your health, they are meant to enforce control by public FEAR.....

  3. the problem we all have now is that we can't enter an establishment without wearing a mask.

  4. So if you visit it shows the Rockefeller foundation used to have the globalist document on their server...though they have now removed it as it would be "inconveniant" for them for the masses to see this now....But, this document was downloaded by many other sites in the past, and you should grab it here, while it lasts...

  5. Lynn, all means don't wear your masks. Don't wipe off your shopping carts. Don't wear gloves. And, by all means, invite all your like-minded friends over to play card and board games.

    In about 2-3 weeks, Lake Worth will be a better place for it.

    And, Lynn...if I see you one more time at Publix taking advantage of early shopping hours while talking this crap on line, you will get a piece of my mind. If you don't believe that there is a danger out there then shop with the rest of the herd, you hypocrite.

  6. Just watched it. This is an amazing expose and now what I used to believe about Walter Cronkite has done a 180. Let's stop this craziness.

  7. @7:59--you're caught up in the hysteria. I wear a mask just in case I run into you.
    Did you watch the video? It was published for people like you to see the other side of the story. But I keep forgetting there are closed minded people who follow like sheep. listen to Jim Acosta then.
    Do you think it has no valid points whatsoever?
    You would rather wish Dan & I dead?
    Really hope I don't know a closed minded person such as yourself but this place is full of people just like you.

  8. Just finished watching it. At first I thought not sure I can watch a long video like this but it sure went fast and i learned a lot. Why don't we see any of this on tv?

  9. If the virus is going to get you, it's going to get you. Sooner, or later, your time is up. There's no getting away from it, If not this virus, then the next.

  10. That is some video. As someone suggested, why no coverage of the demonstrations in other countries? Why is the media not covering this?

  11. I'm a senior and go to Publix early hoping there will be something on the shelf. Is that a crime, anonymous at 7:59>

  12. How can ANYONE be stupid enough to believe that a mask will protect you if there is aerosolized covid 19 in a cloud they walk through at Publix ? How could you NOT know that it would instantly infect you via your unprotected eyes....glasses would not help, any more than they would if someone set off would need a full facemask like some scuba divers or hazmat teams use...and you don't have that. The mask is a LIE, to enforce FEAR. You see other wearing them all around you, and your brain assumes everyone else is doing this to be safe--when in fact, they are doing it because they are mis-informed by the media and the government. Do you really believe that the Surgeon General of the United States, was not well versed on how masks would protect the public from an aerosolized virus? Of course he said they would be next to useless, Dentists would need a mask AND air tight eye goggles or full face mask, for when they drill teeth and aeroslize the virus, and they are inches away from the virus.... In a Publix, if no one is coughing, there is no aerosolized virus, so no need for full face mask, and no need for a mask...the mask in this scenario, is like a cop in a shootout, wearing half of a bulletproof is an ignorant non-solution.
    Wake up..the mask nonsense is about making people stay afraid.
