Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sexy Joe Biden

Biden Desperate To Control Media As More News Erupts Over Scandal

Today, presumptive Democrat candidate for president, Joe Biden, is being accused of sexually assaulting a woman in the 1990’s. There appears to be much more evidence and corroboration for this claim, than the Kavanaugh claim. But despite that, the liberals of the “MeToo” movement have been as silent as ghosts.

Personally I don't care about his personal sex life in the 1990's or any other time--I care about the corruption, his China connection and that son of his. He is a creep today and that's all that matters. All the phony Democrats are rallying around him..

Read about it...


  1. Lynn all politicians are creepy and have bad history's the current president probably does too. And I mean sure Joe Biden is no Angel neither of them are. Most are hypocrites too. Most people who want to be in positions of power have that prototype they're not really good people, President Trump has a lot of shady past too. And has done a lot of questionably immoral and bad things as well. Sometimes you just have to vote for the the least of the two evils. while President Trump might be the better choice he's not perfect either and he's done a lot of bad things as well and you know that too! Never put any politician on a pedestal because none of them are angels believe me!

  2. Assault is not a sex life. True enough there's alot of corruption in the Biden Crime Family. China controls the media and Hollywood. Biden is a puppet.

  3. It’s just an unproven allegation so NO assault
