Sunday, April 12, 2020

Quote of the day - Lindsey Graham

“In the next appropriations bill, there’s not going to be any money for the W.H.O. I’m in charge of the appropriations subcommittee. I’m not going to support funding the W.H.O. under its current leadership. They’ve been deceptive, they’ve been slow, and they’ve been Chinese apologists.

I don’t think they’re a good investment, under the current leadership, for the United States. And until they change their behavior and get new leadership, I think it’s in America’s best interests to withhold funding.”

~ Senator Lindsey Graham

1 comment:

  1. That's the least of my worries right now. If we don't get back to work soon, we won't have any money for them anyway.

    The idea that a town could decree that the people wear masks where there are only 9 people who have the disease, shows how far from any kind of a free people we have become.

    Unfortunately, it is much easier to turn on the TV and listen to Dr. Fauci, than it is to read a book about how fast the means of production can deteriorate, and how slowly people starve to death, without the ability to grow, harvest, and distribute crops and other foodstuffs.
