Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Palm Beach Zoo

Our great Palm Beach Zoo

is struggling right now. With the zoo closed because of this pandemic, the zoo's income, just from admissions, represents 70% of its operating budget. Staff has reduced it's salary and some have even given back their entire paycheck to help our zoo.

Can you help feed the over 500 animals with a donation?  Click here


  1. Thanks Lynn, I want to donate, but the link doesn't work here. Wanted to let you know. God bless you all for all you are doing. Be well! This, too, will pass!

  2. Lynn, if you look at the list of donors to Peggy Adams, you will see that people donate many millions. The same with St. Jude's. I donate small amounts to both of these organizations, but in the face of these enormous donations, it seems kind of silly.

    I am sure, the people on the Island will come to the Zoo's rescue. Where would we be without rich people?

  3. It doesn't matter what you can give, it is what is in your heart that matters to help some. Anything helps. We try to donate to 20-30 organizations each year plus our church because it feels good helping and even if it is only $10-25 for each organization or less, it is the gift that counts, giving from the heart is all that matters.

  4. @8:12...perfect. Most all of their revenue is from visitors, not donations, so it all helps no matter the amount.

  5. I understand the sentiment, and I do the same thing, but try to imagine keeping St. Jude's going on 10 and 20 dollar donations.
