ISIS issues terrifying coronavirus message to followers: urges them to launch attacks while world is in crisis
It's true...we haven't been thinking about terrorist evil still prevalent in our world that wants to wipe most non-Muslims off the map. Recently I put a reminder about the beheading of Daniel Pearl on this blog and that his convicted killer's death sentence was just overturned and he was just released in Pakistan."ISIS has just sent out a terrifying newsletter to their followers making it clear that they plan to take full advantage of the fact that the world is currently vulnerable due to the coronavirus pandemic.
An editorial written in the latest al-Naba newsletter calls on followers of the terrorist groups to continue to carry out acts of terror as the virus spread, even providing a list of directives to carry out during the pandemic, according to Daily Mail. The ISIS newsletter also said that coronavirus is a punishment for non-Muslims, so no mercy should be shown to them."
Like Trump doesn't have enough to think about.