Thursday, April 16, 2020

Lake Worth Beach Coronavirus Cases

Now have 25 supposed/reported cases of coronavrus in Lake Worth (Beach)

As more and more people are getting tested, more symptoms will be thrown into the coronavirus pile.

Click Here

Does anyone know of anyone in this group?


  1. I wonder of the original 5 that we started out with a couple weeks ago, if any of them have gotten better. I think it's a legitimate question.

  2. As more people get tested the numbers will go up.

  3. Who's testing them, where are they being tested? My doctor has no testing kits.

    That still doesn't answer the question of what happened to the original 5; did they die, are they still sick, did they get better; are they counted in the current count.

    These are important questions and nobody knows the answer. Who is reporting this information to the Health Department?

  4. What is odd from all of this virus is the government has it all hush hush. There seem to almost be no stats on things from it, like you said, how many recover, how many test positive but asymptomatic,, races, ages, break down by stats and climates, cities, etc. It is all so elusive, this entire virus is almost as if the governments are hiding something. Do they really want all of us to get a vaccination and chip? Is it going to be on our license and if we refuse to get it, be isolated or killed? This entire virus is like nothing we have seen before. Fauci and Brix seems like they are all big pharma people and they are in cahoots with Gates and the powerful, who is telling the real truth? Did they tell the truth about AIDS and HIV? All very suspicious. Like your other video and MIT doctor, why are they not talking about vitamins and good healthy, etc.

  5. "Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark"

    The fact is, they really don't know anything. They are playing Russian Roulette with the virus.

  6. Today, it's 35 people. Who are these people? If I had a telephone number for the Health Department, I would call them, but the idea that anybody is working, or would know what i am even talking about is remote.

  7. What is the source you are using? I have 28 as of yesterday.

  8. Florida's Covid-19 Data and Map Dashboard-Florida Deptartment Division of Disease Control

    Palm Beach County Zip Code 33460
