Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lake Worth (Beach) being generous with taxpayer dollars?

The solution for the beach merchants: Open up the beach. And once you do that, open up the golf course. Open up our parks...maintain social distancing. Do not get into socialist solutions with taxpayer's money. All small business merchants need to apply for the SBA loan. It is not the Commission's decision to spend tax dollars on private enterprise.


  1. The mayor said we need to step in and help. Why?

  2. Are most landlords in the country giving breaks to tenants? Did these beach tenants appeal to the city for some sort of reprieve? Did this come out in the meeting? If so, who?

  3. Commissioner Hardy was correct when he said that if we (the city) are going to take some of the risk off the plates of private business, then we (the city) should be compensated or get something in return.

  4. Another thing, the city manager said that the beach tenants have a special relationship with the city. That is true as the city is the landlord. He also said that "the Beach Fund is a separate would not be taking money from the tax based revenues in the operating fund." Huh? It doesn't matter where you draw the money from. It's the city's money.
    Andy wants to help the small businesses. Of course he does, He is a small business owner. And why don't these business owners know how to proceed with the SBA loan? If they don't know how to do that then they should not even be in business. Why do we need to offer them any services?

  5. there are a whole lot of small business operators that wont get any aid at all because we don't have enough employees .we work hard to better the city and some of these businesses just bleed the taxpayer.i don't want anymore of my tax money going to that beach for any reason

  6. The definition of “small” varies by industry. I don't know how this all works but I would imagine that a business would have to be in effect for a certain time period at least.The SBA gives assistance to small businesses and will answer all questions.

  7. We have to help where it makes sense to help. If the business was going bust before this all happened, I don't think we should be financing failed businesses. I am not interested in the beach businesses. It's the center of town that we don't want to turn into a ghost town.

    If the beach is closed, why is the bus still going up there?

  8. @11:11--I think people can order take-out.
