Friday, April 17, 2020

Jacksonville beach opens at 5pm today

Read about it... The mayor of Jax believes that all exercise is essential but one of Lake Worth (Beach's) commissioners is not in agreement. This is the guy who backed Andrew Gillum, someone who really did a "dumb" thing.


  1. Omari, I didn't know you were a doctor. It's bad enough we have little Dave Kerner, looking scared to death that he might say the wrong thing, and anger his Palm Beach Bosses, telling us what to do, but where do you get off echoing his opinion. There is only one person I take orders from in this state, and that is Governor Desantis.

  2. This is pretty much over.

    Trump just announced that the U.S. is going be giving Mexico and other countries ventilators because we don't need them anymore.

  3. Like it or not, these statistics in Palm Beach County are coming from an amalgam of sources, not the least of which is Nursing Homes. Sad as it is, it is not a reason to destroy the economy.

    The nursing homes always get the worst of it, no matter what the casualty. The question that has to be asked, is: is the virus sneaking in under the door? Of course not. The very people who are tasked with caring for the elderly, are the ones introducing the disease into the facility.

    Knowing this, a solution to the problem has to be explored. For one thing, it is now known, that a majority of those on a ventilator are going to die.

    We have many many experts from all of our venerable institutions, on TV, telling the viewing audience about all of the issues surrounding this disease. Perhaps it would be worth their time to tell the people on the front lines.

  4. And the lawyers are outside counting the bodies.
