Sunday, April 26, 2020

Historic moment for Muslims

This is how our "In God we Trust" country is changing. Migrate, dominate a city, take over while everyone else moves out of your way...

The Quran, in no uncertain terms, says some wonderful things like, ‘Kill the infidels. Sharia, the Islamic religious law, has taken hold in some American cities and we have three Muslims in Congress of which I am aware. Keith Ellison of Minnesota was a Congressman for 6 terms and was the former Chair of the DNC.

This is the first in a city in the United States to celebrate Muslims call to prayer.

Minneapolis Neighborhood Will Blast Muslim Call to Prayer Five Times a Day Throughout Ramadan

1 comment:

  1. It looks like times have changed a lot since the Ingalls and Little House in the prairie and all of them living in those areas up in Minneapolis. I hope their God is a good God and they do good things for this world we don't need any more evil that's for sure.
