Friday, April 10, 2020

Dustin Zacks' Public comment at Lake Worth City Commission Meeting.

Local Democrat "funny" guy lawyer and his suggestions for our new Lake Worth (Beach) Seal

Public Hearing
NAME Dustin Zacks
ADDRESS 216 N Federal Highway #4
Lake Worth Beach, Florida 33460
United States
Please Read.
I am against the seal as drafted for the main reason that it does not
show or offer any inherent clues to the identity of our town to the
public at large:
Consider these far more worthy, identifiable-on-sight options, when
compared to the puny seal that has currently been proposed:
1. A handsome banana tree, signifying we are not afraid to be
our own little banana republic;
2. A no cats sign, signifying our pro-endangered-bird and anti-cat
3. Before I forget I should also mention we may want to eliminate
some of the longer written words on the city seal so as not to
unnecessarily confuse any Michigan state graduates;
4. A silhouette of Panigiotti Tsolkas' historic protest, in which he
suspended himself from the overhead stoplight at Lake and Dixie to
protest the Lucerne Building;
5. Any alarming or conspiratorial phrase written in all caps by Lynn
Anderson, you know, something about THE SHEEPLE;
6. A slogan paying tribute to our most famous homegrown graffiti
artist, shouting "FREE FERAL!"
7. A picture of Scott Maxwell's face with town tribute slogan, "He's
our grumpy cat."
8. In light of my publicly expressed fervent opposition to the Pacific
Partnership of the Orient trade deal, an insignia stating that "Lake
Worth Beach is not down with OPP."
9. Instead of the flower on the seal, just put the actual kiss-from-arose-
singer Seal on the seal. Seal is a great singer and we are naming
the thing after him anyway, I mean it's called a seal, so this makes
epic double sense.
10. A salty old pelican, with his sign saying "Get off my lawn."
I trust you will see reason, reconsider, and select one of these fine
options. Thank you.


  1. Dustin, yes he is always talking about his despising cats.

  2. If cats were kept in the house where they belong, they would not be able to hurt birds. If they were interested, they could watch them from the window.

    I love cats and birds, and never the twain should meet, but the people of South Palm Park think differently.

  3. Just wait until the Coyotes move further east.The new seal is an abomination. It looks like the worn,blurred 70 year old tattoo on the bicep of a sailor.

  4. Does anyone remember when Zacks was a candidate (he was put in the race to cause havoc...never a serious candidate) against Rachel Waterman? The developer crowd hated all of us who wanted to keep our small town charm...they still do to this day but now have opportunity to do their dirty deeds. (I should put that in all caps!) He used to be on the Planning & Zoning board. It's no wonder Zacks thinks this is the best commission since sliced bread. Back then I called it The Zack Attacks. He went after the late Jo-Ann Golden too or anyone who he thought was against development.
