Friday, April 24, 2020

Dr. Fauci and his Questionable Connections and Actions


  1. Do you agree with this, Lynn?


    Yes or no.

    And if you don't, why post it?

  2. this is how fake news gets started

  3. The research is out there. Think for yourself. This guy is BAD !!!!!!

  4. @6:01 BS if anyone knows about fake news it’s you Democrats

  5. You're afraid to answer "yes" or "no" because if you answer "yes," you're a loon, and if you answer "no" you side with reason, truth and Democrats.

    So instead you choose the coward's way out and you don't answer.

    You're nothing but fake, Lynn. There isn't a genuine bone in your body. You can't even answer a simple question because to do so you would betray yourself.

  6. @7:50--don't you have anything better to do than to harass me at every opportunity. I do NOT like Democrats. I do NOT like anything about them. Why don't you get it. Instead you would rather personally attack me when I just attack ALL Democrats in general. LOL.
    And if you think I am "afraid" of anything, you are sadly mistaken as are all Democrats.

  7. fauci is a big pharma fraud! Most MD's are in bed with the Pharma and he is one of them. His whole thing with HIV/AIDS is also the same. he wants all on medications and drugs and like most want all people on some types of medications for life. President Trump likely knows already that those two clowns are in bed with big pharma. President Trump knows about all those in the swamp, the FDA and NIH are both in bed with big Pharma, our government cannot be trusted for the most part. They lie, they want people sick, they allow all this junk food and want all or half the people on food stamps and Medicaid and all to be sick and on drugs. Don't be deceived by fauci or brix or any of them. Do you know that most MD receive kick backs from big pharma? there is a website online that tracks it all and you can see how much each gets. doctors want most Americans on a lot of drugs. It wasn't like this until the 60's or 70's, but since has grown 1000fold. It is all a scam and racket. You cannot trust big pharma, doctors, or our government! Don't be so naïve and ignorant! Lynn knows, you have to think for yourself. President Trump knows too, he is not a dummy like all the rest.
