Saturday, April 18, 2020

Doing My bit

My nurse friend at the V.A. just called and told me to be sure to wear gloves...don't touch anything without gloves. He said they are counting the body bags in New York and caskets are piling up, one on top of the other. The medical profession wants to scare everyone to death!

Do I have coronavirus?


  1. I do not believe in wearing gloves when you go out. Mask yes,gloves no. Wash your hands when you come in your house. Gloves get dirty just like our hands do.

  2. Gloves can be taken from infected object to mouth, nose or eyes, so no benefit there....Only an ignorant health care person would imagine that covid 19 can pass through the healthy unbroken skin on your hands to infect can not. Wearing Gloves, like the mask, will be seen by hundreds of people around you and the image is terrifying.

    Out in a park, staying away from others, wearing the masks is the height of ignorance ( about what masks do, and about what is in the air around you). If there was a person out coughing their brains out in public, that person could be arrested, or AVOIDED at a large distance--THAT PERSON should legally be forced to wear a mask. Only that person, as this prevent aerosolizing the virus.

  3. its funny how all these people know everything about health when all they do is read the fake news on internet.let people make up their own minds with what they for arresting folks for sneezing hope you don't have hay fever

  4. People with allergies would know their symptoms LOOK LIKE they are sick to others seeing a polite solution would be for them to wear a mask in public
    ...but..there are people that believe it is their right to cough or snot all over other people. As to the nonsense about internet and health knowledge...all you need is common sense to know that a mask that does not have an airtight cover over your eyes will FAIL to protect you from an aerosolized virus. You really can not argue this.

  5. My nurse friend just knocked on my door. He wanted to see the masks I now have on my possession. The only one he approved was the one Katie gave me. He is insistent on my wearing gloves and says I am not taking this seriously enough.


  7. If your nurse friend was an Economist, he would tell you to go back to work. Gloves and mask, or no gloves and mask.

    It's not a question of taking it seriously, it's a question of odds.

    America has to get back to work or we will wish we only had the virus to worry about.

  8. I have to agree with 10:41. It's hard to believe we pay a bill every month for these talking heads to tell us what to do, and we sit like idiots and listen to them. How about this: When they start dying off, I'll start listening to them.
