Saturday, April 11, 2020

Creepy Joe Spreads panic

Joe Biden Just Sided With China After This Coronavirus Betrayal

Biden spreads lies and panic during this stressful time with Coronavirus adding to what is already a heartbreaking and a terrifying situation for many of us. But Democrats would rather undermined anything the President is doing.  They get off on that!

The Chinese government acknowledged Wednesday that it had been under-reporting coronavirus cases by not counting asymptomatic carriers of the virus, confirming reporting that the country’s coronavirus numbers were artificially low.


1 comment:

  1. It is beyond time for the over paid socialist professors to give up their fascination with Communism and it's attempt at world dominance. They and socialist Bernie Sanders fool students about this violent way of government as they themselves live in America's lap of luxury.

    The CCP has shown its callous disregard for human life as it lied through the WHO and eliminated those who wanted to tell the world the truth about the number ofi ts homegrown Wuhan virus cases and that it could not be transmitted from human to human.
