Monday, April 27, 2020

County to Reopen our Parks, Pools

Palm Beach County to reopen parks, golf courses, boat ramps, community pools on Wednesday

Read about it...

Beaches in Palm Beach County will remain closed.


  1. Great!
    We learned that sunlight kills this plague and that exercise keeps us healthy.
    Let's keep America great and reopen our wonderful Florida beaches and parks and economy.
    Do AOC and Bill Maher want to move to Wuhan?

  2. Let's concentrate on making our own things again. I'm tired of the ill fitting garments I have been purchasing for the last I don't know how many years. Cheap! That's what it all comes down to. People buy expensive vacations and cars, and eat cheap food and buy cheap clothing and appliances from China, or where ever.

    We used to have the best products, and knew what to buy from Germany, Scotland, Italy, France. Now, it's all from China. Even the medicines are from China.

    Let's get dressed to go to work again. Let's lose weight and look like professional people again.

    Think that's going to happen? In a Pig's Eye!

  3. We’re all complicit 11:13, even Trump ties and merchandise is manufactured in China.

  4. I have studiously avoided buying Chinese products for years. I never buy pet toys anymore, as they are all made in China. Ironically, years ago, everything was Made in Japan. Now, Japan makes better things than we do. China has never made that leap.

    All Junk, all the time. Why? Because the consumer gets more and more stupid every day.

  5. @1:54 we have not manufactured cloth in years Hopefully we will do so again. China has had a corner on many markets. Have never heard that Japan has superior products to the US

  6. C'mon Lynn, You never heard of Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, and all of the electronics/computers from Japan. Right now, I'm typing this on a Toshiba Laptop. I had a Panasonic vacuum for 30 years. Every time I took it for service, they said, oh, this one was made in Japan. My new Panasonic vacuum was made here, and you can hardly push it.

    We have work to do Lynn. You don't learn to make superior products in an Ivy League University. How many years have we blithely stated that we are a service industry economy now, as though it was something to be proud of that we don't get our hands dirty.

  7. LOL--Ok--Trump is working on this problem and wants more vocational education. We can't do much until these corporations start moving back.

  8. OMG. The comments on this blog are like something out of the Twilight Zone.

  9. @6:50---You would know about that I guess. "It may be said with a degree of assurance that not everything that meets the eye is as it appears.”
