Sunday, April 26, 2020

AOC cheers Oil & U.S. Economic Crash

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently cheered the fact U.S. oil teeters on the brink of collapse and bankruptcy.

It's amazing that we have these nut jobs elected to Congress but then she supported the communist Bernie as did several people living right here in this liberal city of Lake Worth (Beach). You can still drive down Lake Avenue and see the Bernie sign at that house that was the Bernie Sanders Campaign HQ on the north side of the road before you get to the rail road tracks. Communists/socialists never give up.

Does she really want us to live like Venezuela where nearly 90 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty?

Read more about AOC if you hate yourself that much.

1 comment:

  1. I don't hate myself that much. She is just plain awful
